October 14, 2020
Uber black: premium rides also available in Bologna

The Uber black service, already active in Rome and Milan since 2013, was also launched in Bologna thanks to the agreement between Cosepuri and Uber.
Through the Uber App it will now be possible to book your trip and move around enjoying the maximum comfort and elegance offered by the prestigious Cosepuri fleet.
Through the Uber Rider APP, passengers will be able to get information in advance about the driver, the car model and the ride’s fare. It will be possible to share your journey cost, view the route and, thanks to the anonymization system, you can contact the drivers by telephone or chat without sharing your telephone number. On the Uber app, you can also select your preferences regarding the luggage to take on board, the methods of conversation with the driver and the temperature inside the vehicle.
In line with the current regulations to counter and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, special measures have been introduced to safeguard the health and safety of drivers and passengers, including the regular car sanitation, the availability of hydro-alcoholic solutions on board to disinfect hands; the obligation for drivers to wear a mask, its control through mask verification and a feedback system for reporting drivers without this protective device; finally, the possibility for drivers to cancel a trip without penalty if a customer does not wear a mask.
The challenge taken up today, explains the Chairman of Cosepuri Gino Onofri, is based on an agreement exclusively related to the city of Bologna. In the partnership between Cosepuri and Uber, each of the two companies maintains its own organizational and rate identity. In particular, this agreement is aimed at intercepting the mobility needs of international customers in transit in the city of Bologna and at providing the public with a wider offer.
Booking your Uber Black is very simple:
- Open the Uber app
- Choose a destination
- Find out the final price in advance and confirm the ride
- Enjoy your trip and when it's time to go home, follow the same procedure.